Payment integration

A purpose-built solution for students, agents and staff to manage student deposit and refund payments.

Illustration of Enroly's payment integration within CAS Shield.
Illustration of a summary of student deposit payment statuses within CAS Shield.

Faster payment confirmation

Our integration shows the real-time status of a payment within Enroly CAS Shield, getting the information to the teams that need to know instantly.

Illustration of a student using TransferMate's integration with Enroly's CAS Shield to pay their deposit.

A seamless experience

Payments are made within the platform and linked to the student record, fixing stressful and error-prone manual payment processes for students.

Illustration of a student's deposit refund request being processed.

Simplified refunds

An automated refund process allows you to quickly issue refunds back to an account, reducing risk and speeding up the process for students and agents.

Illustration of deposit funds placed in escrow in CAS Shield.

Compliance controls

TransferMate and Enroly will hold a student’s deposit in escrow, meaning you can accept or reject the deposit when it is right for you.

Enroly and TransferMate are fixing the pain of payments for university teams, students and agents. Slow payment processes are a huge drain on university resources, are fraught with compliance risks, and offer a poor experience for students.

Our integration makes these problems a thing of the past, and gives visibility and control of payments to the teams that need it. That means faster decision-making, and happier staff, students and agents.

Jeff Williams


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